Monday, August 08, 2005

Disaster Medicine : Pearls # 2

Disaster Medicine Pearls # 2

The Realities of CPR.

A cardiac arrest, or `code’, is the gravest emergency any responder will ever face. Yet, ironically, with proper training, a responder may save a victim with nothing more than his hands, mouth, and brain. Go figure.

To deal with a cardiac arrest you need to take CPR training. Please don’t assume that, by watching ER, or viewing a website, that you know how to perform BLS (Basic Life Support). CPR requires specific motor skills that can only be adequately learned from practice. This pearl will not, therefore, attempt to teach CPR. You need to take a class for that. Instead, I will focus on what your CPR instructor may not tell you.

In CPR class you will learn how to assess a patient, clear an airway, how to position the head, how to monitor vital signs (pulse, respirations, pupils), and how to properly perform compressions and ventilation. You will learn the mechanical skills needed to provide BLS. If you haven’t taken a class, do so immediately. If you haven’t had a refresher course in a few years, take one.

SAFETY : Electrocutions are a fairly common cause of cardiac arrest. As a BLS provider, ALWAYS inspect the scene before approaching an unconscious patient. Look for wires, water on the floor, or any other hazard that could endanger your life or safety. Don’t endanger yourself while trying to save someone else.

Additionally, some people have been known to attempt suicide by ingesting caustic or poisonous chemicals. DO NOT DO MOUTH TO MOUTH in these cases. If you detect the strong odor of chemicals or pesticides on the patient’s breath , and don’t have an ambu-bag available, accept that the patient got his or her wish.

Please know that working a code is hard work. Two person CPR is easier than one person CPR, but it too can be strenuous. Add to this the adrenalin and stress of dealing with the situation, and a rescuer with a heart condition may be risking THEIR LIFE doing CPR. Sadly, I’ve seen this happen. An ambulance `attendant’ (pre-paramedic days) in his 60’s died in St. Pete doing CPR. Ambulance pulls up to the ER, the driver gets out, opens the back doors, and has a double code on his hands. In that case, neither the patient nor the rescuer survived.

A reasonably healthy person should, however, be able to perform CPR for 20 to 40 minutes without problems. But if you begin to experience chest pains, or difficulty breathing, IT IS TIME TO STOP. Let someone else take over, or call it a day. Don't add to the body count.

EMOTIONS : During a medical crisis, some people panic and flounder about, while other’s rise to the occasion. Everyone reacts differently. Parents are notoriously bad about dealing with an injured or sick child. Their inclination is to hold or cradle a child instead of rendering substantive aid. You have to learn to detach yourself, at least for the duration of the emergency, in order to be effective. Even when dealing with your own children.

You must put aside your emotions, take a deep breath, and deal with the problem at hand. Otherwise, you are simply part of the problem, not the solution. If you can't handle it, get out of the way and let someone else do it.


STARTING CPR: The first consideration for a BLS responder is whether it is appropriate to administer CPR. Here we get into an ethical question, and if Dr. Lou has some additional input, I would welcome that. All I can do is offer my opinion.

Generally speaking, unless the patient has been obviously `dead’ for more than 20 minutes, or you know the patient is in the last stage of a terminal illness, or the patient has sustained obviously mortal injuries, CPR should be started immediately.

Sounds simple, but it isn’t. What constitutes a `mortal injury’? How can you tell if someone has been `dead’ for more than 20 minutes? How can you know the patient’s medical history and/or wishes?

First, if anyone is around who knows the patient (relative, friend), ASK!. They can often tell you if Old Max is in the final stage of liver cancer or not. But understand, you can’t know what you can’t know. Better to err on the side of caution and administer CPR than to withhold it from a potentially viable patient.

Mortal injuries generally involve the head. If the head is some distance from the body, you can forget about CPR. If large amounts of gray matter (brains) are beyond the confines of the skull, cover the victim up and move on. But please know that many other, terrible looking injuries, are survivable. If transportation to a trauma center is possible within the first hour, even devastating injuries can sometimes be salvaged.

When faced with a non-breathing, pulseless patient who has been `down’ for an unknown length of time, there are a few clues that can tell you if the patient is viable. No, there is no surefire way to determine if the patient has been in arrest for 15 minutes or 30. But beyond 30 minutes, changes do occur in the body, which are fairly easy to see.

Skin color and temperature are big indicators. Deep cyanosis (blue coloration) and cold skin are an indication prolonged cardiac arrest or death. If the body is beginning to stiffen, then rigor mortis has set in, and the patient is long gone. And dark pooling of blood at the lowest point of the body (livor mortis) usually does not occur until several hours after death. But in my experience, the eyes are the best short-term indicator. The pupils will cloud over, dry out, and become lackluster begining about 20 minutes after death. They will be dilated and non reactive to light. That, when combined with other signs, can give you a clue.

If the victim’s skin is cooling, deep cyanosis is present, and the eyes are dilated, fixed, and clouding over, then you are probably too late to the party. But unless you are absolutely certain it is too late, initiating CPR is still appropriate. The `code’ can be stopped by the ALS team when they arrive or by the doctor in the Emergency Room.


How long should I do CPR?

Under normal (non-disaster) conditions, help can nearly always be summoned (first step: CALL 911) and should arrive within 20 minutes. During a hurricane, or other disaster, help may be hours away. This will make a difference, on a practical level, for what you can reasonably do. The standard recommendation is that once CPR is begun, it be continued until ALS trained rescuers can arrive. If you are isolated, cut off, and no help can be reasonably expected within an hour, you will have some very hard decisions to make.

CPR alone will rarely re-start a heart. Yes, I’ve seen it happen, particularly with a witnessed arrest, but it is an uncommon occurrence. And if it’s going to happen, it will generally happen in the first few minutes of resuscitation. If no help is forthcoming, and the patient has not responded after 30 or 40 minutes, it’s time to think about calling off the code. Cases involving hypothermia, including drowning, have a better chance of survival than other cardiac arrests, even after a significant amount of `down time’. And the younger the patient, the more likely you are to have a good outcome. But even in those cases, if more than an hour has gone by, it’s time to accept the finality of the situation.

Expectations: Even with ALS equipped and trained personnel on hand, the best we seem to be able to do is a 50% survival rate. In many areas of our country, where response times are long, less than 10% survivability seems to be about average. If ALS is more than an hour away, well . . . let’s just say miracles sometimes do happen.


Liability : We live in a litigeous society, and many people fear that learning CPR will somehow embroil them in legal liability issues. The lay public has no `duty to act', meaning that no-one can legally force you to use your CPR training, nor can you be held liable for not using it. The Good Samaritan laws in nearly every state protect you if you decide to render assistance, as long as you do so in good faith, without intent to cause harm. Even if you do something wrong, if your intent was to help, you are not liable.


Dealing with Death : This is something that is rarely covered during CPR class. And in my humble opinion, ought to be.

The odds are, if you are called upon to do CPR, you are probably fighting a losing battle. If ALS help arrives within the first 20 minutes, and you have done timely and effective CPR, a good success rate would be perhaps a 30%. That’s a best-case scenario. Reality is probably less than 20%. A spontaneous re-start of the heart, without the aid of ALS, will happen perhaps 5% of the time. Still, that’s better than zero.

Patients in cardiac arrest, despite the best efforts of their rescuers, often die. You need to be prepared for that.

Know that, by learning CPR, and using it, you gave your patient a chance. A chance they wouldn’t have had if you hadn’t taken the time and the trouble to learn this procedure. If the patient dies, you did not fail. You did all that you could do. You tried. No one could ask for more.

When the loss involves a friend or a loved one, it is 1000 times more difficult to deal with. There are no words I can give that will mitigate this loss. I wish there were.

All I can tell you is that this is the single best reason to learn CPR. Knowing you did everything possible is the only salve that may someday help heal that wound. Don’t put it off. There are some things in life you will never forgive yourself for.

Don’t let this be one of them.

Final Note: If you are at a public place, a hurricane shelter, for example, and a cardiac arrest occurs, check to see if an automatic defibrillator is available. They are often mounted on the walls of auditoriums and other venues. These are truly lifesaving devices, and are very easy to use. Just follow the illustrated instructions on the cover.


Blogger Dinsdale1963 said...

Of course, the new recommendation is to omit the breaths altogether, and just focus on chest compressions.

Great blog! I wish you were still actively posting. I teach students preparing for allied health careers, and they could certainly benefit from your "pearls".

7:26 AM  
Blogger Rishat said...

Good afternoon Rishat!
Indeed, you have very strong immunity, which is only to be rejoiced. However, you did not say anything about the treatment of the endocrinologist and the level of glycemia. Large-scale consumption of water (3-5 liters) may indicate a violation of the level of compensation for diabetes, pay attention to it and consult an endocrinologist.
Sincerely, Grigory Arkadievich Ziskind, Head of the Department for Coordination of Medical Assistance.
08/22/2018 9:08 PM, Central Design Bureau No. 2 named. NA Semashko Russian Railways writes:
Consultation with an endocrinologist could not get it on a sick leave. He asked me how to be with the deputy chief doctor. He said that I do not need a consultation. I have diabetes insipidus, another type of diabetes. Treatment with desmopressin. I talk almost every week with the deputy head doctor Sergei Yashanin. If you have any questions, please contact him. tel.zah doctor's head 8 (8553) 311004, the reception room 8 (8553) 311001. Blood sugar level 4.6

9:05 AM  
Blogger Rishat said...

Ахметвалеев Ришат
7 авг в 15:04
Язык письма — английский. Перевести на русский?

A Muslim 5 times a day I take a bath in ice water 3 times from a tap and 2 times in ice spring water from a well. And my feet once a day but in very warm water. Due to illness, I do not drink diabetes from 3 to 5 liters of water per day. I have been taking Desmopresin for 37 years. I am 41 years old. I enter the risk group. 2 times a day every day I go to the mosque. At least once a month I go to the hospital and get a prescription for the medicine. But I go to the hospital 5 times a month and communicate with the deputy head doctor of the hospital of PJSC Tatneft. Food and drink are healthy. I eat milk porridge every day and drink 100% coffee every day. I eat or drink dairy products almost every day. Since childhood, I do not work as a disabled person of 2 groups. I sleep 8 hours. Calm Because of 3 rare internal incurable diseases, I don’t drink, I don’t smoke. The doctor told me that all kinds of sports are contraindicated to me because of the disease of olive-ponto ceribral degeneration. The second name of this disease is cerebellar atrophy.
You need to contact a specialist. You are late with this tip. I contacted a local immunologist. had 52% lymphocytes. T-helper cells 44% abs. / Μl 1808, t-killers abs. Number / μl 945. He said lymphocytosis as a result of the activity of t-cells. And it all stopped. Researchers in Australia said that the killer T cells showed that during the tests they were effective in combating all common varieties of flu. By the way, I now have 50.6% lymphocytes, neutrophils (total number),% 39.5. If neutrophils are lowered, lymphocytes are elevated, this indicates active resistance of the body to pathology. When examining blood on a hematological analyzer, pathological cells were not found. The number of stab neutrophils does not exceed 6%. In any inflammatory process, the level of T-lymphocytes is reduced. And I have 2836 t-lymphocytes with a norm of 600-2500. I was diagnosed with a mentally unbalanced person for a similar article , and subsequently was deprived of legal capacity
Help prove immunity.

12:09 PM  
Blogger Rishat said...


Антигенраспознающий рецепторный комплекс Т-хелперов
Т-хелперы (от англ. helper — помощник) — Т-лимфоциты, главной функцией которых является усиление адаптивного иммунного ответа. Активируют Т-киллеры, B-лимфоциты, моноциты, NK-клетки при прямом контакте, а также гуморально, выделяя цитокины. Основным признаком Т-хелперов служит наличие на поверхности клетки молекулы корецептора CD4. Т-хелперы распознают антигены при взаимодействии их Т-клеточного рецептора с антигеном, связанным с молекулами главного комплекса гистосовместимости II класса (англ. Major Histocompatibility Complex II (MHC-II)).

Основная статья: Цитотоксические Т-лимфоциты
Т-киллеры, цитотоксические T-лимфоциты, CTL (от англ. killer «убийца») — Т-лимфоциты, главной функцией которых является уничтожение повреждённых клеток собственного организма. Мишени Т-киллеров — это клетки, поражённые внутриклеточными паразитами (к которым относятся вирусы и некоторые виды бактерий), опухолевые клетки. Т-киллеры являются главным компонентом антивирусного иммунитета. Основным признаком Т-киллеров служит наличие на поверхности клетки молекулы корецептора CD8. Т-киллеры распознают антигены при взаимодействии их Т-клеточного рецептора с антигеном, связанным с молекулами главного комплекса гистосовместимости I класса (англ. Major Histocompatibility Complex I (MHC-I)).

Т-хелперы и Т-киллеры образуют группу эффекторных Т-лимфоцитов, непосредственно ответственных за иммунный ответ. В то же время существует другая группа клеток, регуляторные Т-лимфоциты, функция которых заключается в регулировании активности эффекторных Т-лимфоцитов. Модулируя силу и продолжительность иммунного ответа через регуляцию активности Т-эффекторных клеток, регуляторные Т-клетки поддерживают толерантность к собственным антигенам организма и предотвращают развитие аутоиммунных заболеваний. Существуют несколько механизмов супрессии: прямой, при непосредственном контакте между клетками, и дистантный, осуществляющийся на расстоянии — например, через растворимые цитокины.

Т-ки́ллеры, цитотокси́ческие T-лимфоци́ты, CTL (англиц. killer «убийца») — вид Т-лимфоцитов, осуществляющий лизис повреждённых клеток собственного организма. Мишени Т-киллеров — это клетки, поражённые внутриклеточными паразитами (к которым относятся вирусы и некоторые виды бактерий), опухолевые клетки. Т-киллеры являются основным компонентом антивирусного иммунитета.
Можно сделать вакцину за несколько дней из моего иммуноглобулина. А часть иммуноглобулина искусственно копируется.Предлагаю сделать вакцину на основе моего иммунитета.Надо начать сейчас чтобы небыло слишком поздно.
Инвалид 2 группы с детства по 2 редким внутренним неизлечимым болезням, 38 лет принимаю лекарство 3 раза в день

5:13 AM  
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4:45 AM  
Blogger Rishat said...

Expert: Coronavirus mutates into aggressive forms, vaccines should not be expected Why wait for the vaccine when there is a universal medicine
Specific immunity (acquired) is the body's ability to protect the internal environment through the production of antibodies that contribute to the elimination of pathogens. Immunity of the immune system is formed as a result of interaction with elements after the introduction of a vaccine or an illness. The formation of protection takes place throughout a person’s life ..
HOW I REACHED SUCH A STRONG IMMUNITY. I have very strong immunity due to good nutrition, my mother is an old-age pensioner, a cook by profession. I always eat healthy food. I eat 5 times a day. I go to the bathroom almost every day. It has been scientifically proven that about 70% of human immunomodulating cells are in the gastrointestinal tract. Every day I eat vegetables and fruits. Every day I drink tea with lemon, I squeeze lemon into tea and eat the flesh of lemon. Nervous system: I do not work as a disabled person 2 gr. calm. Muslim 5 times a day, doing a bath in ice water. BLOOD ANALYSIS IMMUNOGRAMS CHECK IMMUNITY The proof of my immunity made 3 immunograms and 2 general blood tests. In 1 immunogram of lymphocytes 52%, t-helpers-1808, t-cytotoxic-945, t-lymphocytes-2835. made at the end of August 2017 2 immunograms of lymphocytes 46%, t-helpers-1661, t-cytotoxic-850, t lymphocytes 2704.2 made an immunogram at the request of a local immunologist after 20 days GENERAL BLOOD ANALYSIS I did 2 general blood tests. 1) lymphocytes-50% Neutrophils-39.5. Made August 2019. 2) lymphocytes-49.4 neutrophils 40.7 made in June 2020. Over the course of 3 years, lymphocytes range from 46 to 52%. The local immunologist said lymphocytosis as a result of t-cell activation My specific acquired immunity can defeat Covid-19 All test results will be provided upon your request
Covid-19 was ill for 1 day.
I suggest curing Covid-19 with my antibodies

11:13 AM  
Blogger Rishat said...

Эксперт: Коронавирус мутирует в агрессивные формы, вакцины ждать не стоит Зачем ждать вакцину когда есть универсальное лекарство
Специфический иммунитет (приобретенный) — это способность организма обеспечивать защиту внутренней среды посредством выработки антител, содействующих устранению болезнетворных микроорганизмов. Невосприимчивость иммунной системы образуется в результате взаимодействия с элементами после введения вакцины или перенесенного заболевания. Образование защиты происходит в течение всей жизни человека..
КАК Я ДОБИЛСЯ ТАКОГО СИЛЬНОГО ИММУНИТЕТА. У меня очень сильный иммунитет из за хорошего питания моя мама пенсионер по старости повар по профессии.Всегда ем здоровую пищу. Ем 5 раз в день. Хожу в туалет по большому почти каждый день.Научно доказано, что около 70% иммуномодулирующих клеток человека находятся в желудочно-кишечном тракте. Каждый день ем овощи и фрукты. Каждый день пью чай с лимоном лимон выжимаю в чай а мякоть лимона съедаю. Нервная система: не работаю как инвалид 2 гр. спокоен . Мусульманин 5 раз в день делаю омовение в ледяной воде. АНАЛИЗ КРОВИ ИММУНОГРАММА ПРОВЕРЯЕТ ИММУНИТЕТ Доказательство моего иммунитета сделал 3 иммунограммы и 2 общих анализа крови. В 1 иммунограмме лимфоцитов 52%, т-хелперы-1808, т-цитотоксические-945, т-лимфоциты-2835.сделал в конце августа 2017 года 2 иммунограмме лимфоцитов 46%, т-хелперы-1661, т-цитотоксические-850, т-лимфоциты 2704.2 иммунограмму сделал по просьбе местного иммунолога через 20 дней ОБЩИЙ АНАЛИЗ КРОВИ Сделал 2 общих анализа крови. 1) лимфоцитов-50% Нейтрофилы-39,5. Сделал августе 2019 года. 2)лимфоцитов-49,4 Нейтрофилы 40,7 сделал в июне 2020 года. На протяжении 3 лет лимфоциты варьируются от 46 до 52%.Местный иммунолог сказал лимфоцитоз в результате активизации т-клеток Мой специфический приобретённый иммунитет может победить Covid-19 Все результаты анализы будут предоставлены по Вашему требованию
Переболел Covid-19 за 1 день.
Предлагаю вылечить Covid-19 при помощи своих антител

11:13 AM  
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3:00 PM  
Blogger Rishat said...

I have a fatal disease ollivopontoceribral degeneration with atrophy of the cerebellum the threshold of life is 20 years and I have been living with this disease for 27 years a sharp deterioration in my health. I want to save humanity before I die, but they won't let me. An appeal from Akhmetvaleev Rishat! I appeal to everyone who is interested in the treatment of Covid-19! Russia has a cure for the coronavirus with 100% effect, and this medicine is in me. Purposefully strengthen the immune system for more than 6 years. My mother is an old-age retired cook by profession. I eat 5 times a day only healthy food. By healthy food I mean every morning I eat milk porridge every day, I eat more than 200 grams of vegetables and fruits, because of my illness I drink 5 liters of water a day every evening I drink kefir. The young pensioner is not always calm. My lymphocytes are significantly exceeded from 260 to 500 points as a percentage of 9 to 15% and t cells are exceeded. I have a very strong acquired specific (adaptive) immunity. Monoclonal antibodies can be developed against any natural virus. The vaccine can only be made for healthy people and what to do for patients with coronavirus. The drug on monoclonal antibodies is universal.Monoclonal antibodies can defeat any virus mutation because they affect the corona. This medicine can cure in a couple of days. Dutch and German researchers from the University of Utrecht have created an experimental monoclonal antibody that neutralizes not only SARS-CoV-2, which is the causative agent of COVID-19, but also another SARS-CoV virus. Scientists from the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology SB RAS for the first time in Russia have received a panel of human monoclonal antibodies that neutralize SARS-CoV-2. Spleen in the size of 115-40 with a norm of 192-200.Humoral cellular immunity is concentrated in the spleen. Cellular immunity exceeded 2 times. Proof of 4 immunograms. Turning to me for help, Russia will create the strongest drug from covid-19 Has been ill with this disease 4 times. Monoclonal antibodies are made from spleen cells and malignant tumor cells. Breed with the help of the bioreactor. My monoclonal antibodies will be several times more powerful. To obtain monoclonal antibodies, the mouse is artificially immunized, and my immunity is raised naturally.A drug made of monoclonal antibodies cured the former US president in 3 days.In a pandemic you need to wait 9 months for a vaccine and monoclonal antibodies can be created against any virus

8:34 AM  
Blogger Rishat said...

I will be able to help only with the complete lifting of sanctions from Russia.And stopping the war in Ukraine with the complete victory of Russian troops.

I myself have had coronavirus 2 times. 1 time in August for 4 days in super light form. I found out about 2 infections by chance, antibodies to the coronavirus spontaneously rose.
Accidentally infected with hepatitis B got sick in 1.5 months or less .There were no symptoms. As I found out 2.5 months after the first test for AIDS hepatitis, where I was completely healthy, I was re-tested and antibodies to hepatitis B were found. I usually have the flu and SARS for 2 days, although I have not been vaccinated against the flu for more than 7 years. My immune system lets in viruses and then fights them with antibodies. I have been purposefully strengthening the immune system for more than 7 years.Lymphocytes from 44 to 56% of my immune system is in a constant state of stress due to two rare internal incurable diseases. I passed 5 immunograms in 3 t-cells significantly exceeded in abs.number / ml In the 1st immunogram t-lymphocytes 2835 at a rate of 600-2500, t-helpers 1808 at a rate of 450-850, t-cytotoxic 945 at a rate of 270-540.
My mother is a retired cook by profession. I eat only healthy food 5 times a day. By healthy food I mean every morning I eat milk porridge, every day I eat at least 200 grams of vegetables and fruits, every evening I drink kefir. I do not work on disability. Due to illness, all kinds of sports are prohibited except for an exercise bike, I do sports every day, I pedal on an exercise bike.

The leader of the LDPR, State Duma deputy V.V. Zhirinovsky was vaccinated 6 times but still died from the effects of coronavirus, US President Joe Biden was vaccinated 4 times but still got sick, he recovered a few days later, this disease could become fatal for him. I can give many more examples of how people get sick and die after vaccinations. It is worth thinking about the effectiveness of vaccines. And Donald Trump is the former president of the United States after infection, he is completely healthy and even boasts of his immunity. He was treated with monoclonal antibodies. But my monoclonal antibodies are several times stronger, well, judge for yourself, he has antibodies obtained from rats and mice that were converted to human. They were injected with immuno-stimulants to raise their immunity. And my immunity is raised naturally
I propose to produce monoclonal antibodies from my immune cells. They are artificially cloned. Monoclonal antibodies are the strongest weapon against the coronavirus. Only my medicine-vaccine cures and protects for always

4:32 PM  
Blogger Rishat said...

I have the strongest t-cell immunity to almost any natural virus, and this is not the last pandemic.
You are interested in the treatment of coronavirus in 1 day, proven on former US President Donald Trump, only he was treated with a weak drug for several days, and I have an analogue of this drug several times stronger. With me. You will forget about the coronavirus as a terrible dream. Help me create a cure for coronavirus. Proof of my immunity 3 PDF files. In the first file there are 4 immunograms, t-cells are significantly exceeded relative to the norm, t-helpers are exceeded by 2 times. The second file contains the result of the analysis for autoimmune diseases with a detailed description. I do not suffer from autoimmune diseases. The third file contains a consultation with a local immunologist. T-cells are elevated because I have two rare internal incurable diseases. If desired, I can send PDF files, they are in my computer. \I can send you 4 invitations to the immunology center. Sorry, but I lost the fifth invitation.I can't use it because my guardian is against it. I am 45 years old
My medicine consists of monoclonal antibodies. They are produced from immune cells and are artificially cloned.
How I achieved such immunity. I eat only healthy food 5 times a day. My mother is an old-age pensioner cook by profession.I do not work on disability .But I don't do sports and I don't harden up.
I have won at least two local battles with the coronavirus. For the first time in two days in August, I had symptoms: cough, sneezing, runny nose, fever and headache. The fact that he got sick on August 1 can be proved by the deputy chief physician of the 33 polyclinic of Almetyevsk. I came to see him when there were no symptoms yet. He looked at me and said I looked sick and sent me home. By the evening, the above symptoms appeared. On August 2, I was ill at home. On August 3, when the symptoms subsided, PCR was performed, whether he was sick or not, and In the Nab.The analysis of the display in Naberezhnye Chelny has a negative result. On August 3, the symptoms ended in the evening. On August 4, a nurse from the same polyclinic came in the morning. At first she communicated with me in a mask and then she made sure that I was healthy and continued to communicate with me without a mask. The day after my recovery, my mother fell ill with the same symptoms but also loss of sense of smell. The second time I was ill asymptomatically, somehow I noticed that antibodies to the coronavirus spontaneously rose from 201 to 316. The most important proof is that I was ill with the coronavirus. I went through an in-depth medical examination in the direction of 33 polyclinics.I have been vaccinated against coronavirus several times, and at least my immunity has been removed once. The first time was 1.5 months before I got sick. After the second injection of Sputnik V in a week, the antibodies were 5.5. After half a year, Sputnik lite was vaccinated only for the sake of a QR code. After 4 months I did an analysis for antibodies 201 and a month later I did a repeat analysis 316 doctors claim that I was ill
To prove my immunity , I will tell you how I got over hepatitis in 2.5 months or less . In mid-November, he was tested for AIDS hepatitis, the analysis was negative, and in early February, the same analysis showed antibodies to hepatitis B and after 20 days there were no traces of antibodies left. Got infected by accident.
Hepatitis B usually affects from 3 to 6 months and is cured only when taking medication, and I found out that I had hepatitis B by accident, my immunity defeated it. He had hepatitis asymptomatically.
I have super strong t-cell immunity. I get sick all the time with viral infections , I get sick hard , but I heal in a very short time without medication .

My immune cells can be used to create a cure for any natural virus.You don't want a repeat of the pandemic
I received five invitations from the Immunology Center in Kazan, but I can't go there because of my illnesses.

7:56 AM  
Blogger Rishat said...

3-part article part one

I got over the coronavirus in severe form very easily.

I got sick with coronavirus in August . He was seriously ill with symptoms of coughing, sneezing, runny nose, fever and headache. I got sick in 2 days. I found out that I was sick. I would have been at a reception with the deputy heads.He looked at the doctor and said that I looked sick and sent me home. By evening, the above symptoms appeared. Evidence that I was sick with coronavirus. On the second day, when the symptoms subsided, a PCR test was performed. The result is either sick or not, on a more accurate device it is not sick. By evening, the symptoms had disappeared. On day 3, a nurse came to see a coronavirus patient, first she communicated with me in a mask and then realized that I was not sick with coronavirus, continued to communicate with me without a mask And the next day my mother fell ill with the same symptoms but also with loss of sense of smell. And a year later he underwent an in-depth medical examination. When he got sick and when he recovered, the 33 polyclinic of Almetyevsk is aware.
And now, 18 years later, a team of Swiss immunologists led by Daniel Zebarge from the University of Lausanne was able to solve this puzzle
The researchers conducted a series of experiments on laboratory mice and found that stem-like central memory T cells are formed from ordinary cytotoxic CD8+ T lymphocytes, also known as T-killers. When faced with the same enemy again, the immune system acts much faster and more effectively. This is possible due to immunological memory. Special lymphocytes remember previously encountered pathogens of infections and, upon re-infection, trigger an instant target response. 2,3,4,5 times he was ill asymptomatically. I learned that I was ill through an antibody test.
The 5 antibody tests are listed below. I have been ill with coronavirus at least 4 times asymptomatically in 3 years and I do not think with the same strain, which means I am immune to many strains, if not all. I am often asked how, with such a strong immune system, do you get infected so often? The T-cell immunity lets in a virus if the virus is unfamiliar, it simply kills it, and if the virus is familiar, memory cells kill it. In both cases, leaving the virus with no chance.
An analogue of my medicine was tested on former US President Donald Trump, it was cured in 7 days, but it turned out to be so weak that it was discontinued. The medicine was made from mouse immunity, which was later transformed into human immunity, and I already have human immunity, which means it is several times stronger.
Medicine production technology:having previously infected me with the coronavirus, I think. Then take my blood and isolate the immune cell. Then cross it with a malignant tumor cell. The most difficult of the variety of antibodies is to isolate an antibody to the coronavirus and then clone it in a special reactor. Is it possible?

Proof of my immunity
I made 5 immunograms in 3 mmunograms, t cells were exceeded in abs.number/µl and in 2 b10*9l
In the first immunogram, leukocytes 7900 at a rate of 4500-8500, lymphocytes 4108 at a rate of 800-3600 t-lymphocytes 2825 at a rate of 600-2500, t-helpers 1808 at a rate of 450-850, t-cytotoxic 945 at a rate of 270-540 made 08/22/2017
The second immunogram of leukocytes 8400, lymphocytes 3864, t lymphocytes 2704, t helper cells 1661, t cytotoxic 850 was made on 12.09.2017 at the request of a local immunologist.
In the third immunogram of leukocytes 8200, lymphocytes 3936, t-lymphocytes 2834, t-helper cells 1574 t cytotoxic 984, tx/ts 1.6 was made on 03/19/2018 the day after the infectious disease
in 4 immunogrammetric cells, 4.65 lymphocytes were exceeded in 10*9/l at a rate of 0.85-3.00, t lymphocytes 3.18 at a rate of 0.80-2.20, t helper cells 1.79 at a rate of 0.60-1.60, t cytotoxic 1.07 at a rate of 0.30-0.80 made on August 18, 2020
In the 5th immunogram, lymphocytes 3.49 ,t-lymphocytes 2.53 t-helper cells 1.65 t-cytotoxic 0.81 were made on July 13, 2021

12:00 AM  
Blogger Rishat said...

Part two: In 5 immunograms, % t cells are normal. There are no diseases in which the rise of t cells is recorded
I did 9 blood tests according to the leukoformula leukocytes and monocytes were normally counted thousand / µl.and lymphocytes were elevated neutrophils were lowered counting in % In the first analysis of leukocytes 7.85 at a rate of 4.50-11.00, monocytes 0.66 at a rate of 0.20-0.95 lymphocytes 50.6 at a rate of 19-37, neutrophils 39.5 at a rate of 48.0-78.0, made 08/02/2019 .
In the second, leukocytes 6.98, monocytes 0.54, lymphocytes 49.4, neutrophils 40.7, made on 06/10/2020.
In the third, leukocytes 7.61,monocytes 0.53, lymphocytes 44.8, neutrophils 0.53 made 05/06/2021.
In the fourth, leukocytes 8.31 monocytes 0.70, lymphocytes 45.5 neutrophils 43.4 were analyzed on 09/01/2021
In the fifth, leukocytes 8,14, monocytes 0,64, lymphocytes 50.0, neutrophils 39 ,4 the analysis was done on 03/01/2022
In the sixth, leukocytes 7.57 , monocytes 0.62, lymphocytes 45.6, neutrophils 43.6 were analyzed on 05/12/2022
In the seventh, leukocytes 7.49, monocytes 0.49, lymphocytes 42.9, neutrophils 48.4 were analyzed on 01/17/2023
In the eighth, there were 8,18 leukocytes, 9.3 percent monocytes at a rate of 3.0-11.0 , 47.6 lymphocytes, 40.6 neutrophils, the analysis was done on 01/31/2023
In the ninth, leukocytes 9.25, monocytes 0.81 thousand/ µl 8.8 %, lymphocytes 48.1 neutrophils 41.2, the analysis was made on 03/23/2023
I did a large number of general blood tests using the leukoformula. In all, lymphocytes are elevated and leukocytes and monocytes are normal. Even in the immunogram that I did the day after I had an infectious disease (cold) white blood cells are normal. An analysis was performed on the recommendation of the therapist. During the medical examination, I passed a general blood test: 43 lymphocytes at a rate of 19 to 37%, 7 leukocytes at a rate of 4-9× 109 units / l. In 5 years, I did more than 50 general blood tests in all lymphocytes are elevated, leukocytes are normal
I can imagine an immunologist's consultation. Conclusion : Moderate absolute/relative lymphocytosis (by T-cell link ) with relative neutropenia. Give me a chance to defeat an infection with pandemic potential
I sent my article and got a reply. In fact, what you wrote is real, but it doesn't really work in the case of covid. But that medicine was made from immune cells of mice with artificially raised immunity, and I have naturally raised immunity, which means several times stronger.
The question is for me. Have you been tested for chronic lymphoid leukemia? What for. we don't have a hematologist in the city, you can get checked for oncology with the help of a general blood test
As we have already said, the UAC measures the number and condition of various cell types in a blood sample, including red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. The increase and decrease in these indicators indicate oncological diseases, but all these indicators are normal for me.In 5 years, I have done more than 50 general blood tests if you do not believe me, you can contact the 33 polyclinic in Almetyevsk.
I did an analysis for autoimmune diseases at the request of the district therapist. Antinuclear factor study, Result<1:160, Titer units, Reference values<1:160
The study concluded that a negative ANF result with a probability of about 90% excludes the diagnosis of SLE, diffuse scleroderma, Sjogren's syndrome, CREST syndrome, mixed connective tissue disease, secondary antiphospholipid syndrome, oligoarticular form of JURA; and also with a probability of 80% excludes the most common forms of autoimmune liver damage, including autoimmune hepatitis type 1 and primary biliary cirrhosis. The antinuclear factor may be negative in isolated patients with SLE, cutaneous forms of lupus erythematosus, polymyositis, antiphospholipid syndrome, which requires additional examination.

12:07 AM  
Blogger Rishat said...

Part three
I have repeatedly undergone ultrasound of internal organs, the diseased organs of the stomach, liver and pancreas, and the rest of the organs like a 20-year-old spleen are even a few millimeters less than normal, even though I am 46 years old and I am sick. I'm sick 1)type 2 diabetes mellitus. 2) diabetes insipidus symptoms constant thirst water does not linger in the body Without taking medication I can drink more than 20 liters of water per day 3) olivopoetoceribral degeneration with cerebellar atrophy symptoms unsteadiness of gait, speech impairment, problems swallowing, double vision, tremor in the hands. Seize the moment while this disease is getting worse every day while I'm talking and while I'm walking. I can die at any moment because of the symptoms. Sorry for the quality of the translation, I translated using an online translator. I'm Russian

12:14 AM  
Blogger Rishat said...

Give me a chance to defeat any virus with pandemic potential.
How hepatitis B was defeated in 3.5 months is asymptomatic. As I found out, I did 3 tests for AIDS hepatitis. The first analysis before hospitalization in mid-November 2021 was negative, the second analysis before hospitalization to another hospital in early February 2022 found antibodies to hepatitis B, the third analysis at will was negative in early March 2022. I did the tests in a respected laboratory where all polyclinics and hospitals of the city of Almetyevsk do a similar analysis in the laboratory at the polyclinic speedcenter. The coronavirus won in 2 days in August in severe form with symptoms. 33 polyclinic of the city knows when I got sick, when I recovered, and the fact that I was sick with coronavirus, I can write about it in more detail.The fact that I got sick with coronavirus on the second when the symptoms subsided, I passed a PCR test whether I was sick or not, I was not blurred on a more accurate device by the evening, the symptoms passed half a year after the re-vaccination of the antibody to coronavirus 316.0 BAU/ ML, a year and a half after the repeated re-vaccination of the antibody 240.25 BAU/ ML
I can transfer the ability to kill the virus to people. Only a specific virus
Help me make a cure for coronavirus and tuberculosis from my immune system.
The results of the analyses are only 15 documents. 5 immunograms, I have done for 5 years in all t-cell tests exceeded, a blood test for autoimmune diseases with a description, I am not ill. 9 blood tests according to the leukoformula and 50 general tests, both tests were done over 5 years, in both tests the lymphocytes were elevated, all other indicators are normal, I do not suffer from blood cancer. I can send an immunologist's consultation and 6 invitations to the Regional Clinical Hospital at the Republican Center for Clinical Immunology.
I advise you to hurry up, I can die at any moment due to a rare internal incurable disease. The symptoms of unsteadiness of gait increased, speech became more slurred, tremor is now not only in the hands but also in the legs.
I am attaching an immunologist's consultation and an analysis for autoimmune diseases along with my article. The rest of the documents, as well as 6 invitations from you on my computer, will be presented at the second invitation.I ignored the invitations because of the guardian, who categorically forbade me to go to Kazan, but now I will not ask the guardian's opinion. I will come when paying for my trip. I ask you to send the invitation by e-mail, otherwise my guardian tore up the previous invitation in paper form
Only the first letter No. 1947ot16/04/2018 from the Minister of Health Minnullin Marcel Mansurovich when he was still working as the chief physician of the RCB. I am briefly typing this letter. In response to your appeal to the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin No. 404070 dated 04/03/2018, GUAZ RCB of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan informs that it has the opportunity to provide you with the necessary consultations.This is an invitation before the pandemic and five invitations after the pandemic. If I could go to the RCB, then maybe there would be no pandemic. Judging by the latest indications, after re-vaccination from coronavirus in a year and a half, the antibodies showed 240 BAU / ML. Sorry for the correctness of my article, I have been a disabled person of group 2 since childhood, 8th grade education, I emphasized almost all the knowledge from the Internet. I began to strengthen my immune system as I learned that my disease, from which I have tremor in my hands, is being treated but not completely cured, but only the removal of symptoms, which gives me several decades of life, but the treatment is too expensive

1:15 PM  

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